Climate funds update is an independent website that provides information on the growing number of international climate finance initiatives designed to help developing countries address the challenges of climate change.
The Initiative has selected four consortia to undertake research in three climate change hot spots in Africa and Asia.
The AECF is a US$ 207m challenge fund capitalized by multilateral and bilateral donors to stimulate private sector entrepreneurs in Africa to innovate and find profitable ways of improving access to markets and the way markets function for the poor, particularly in rural areas.
The SCCF was established to support adaptation and technology transfer in all developing country parties to the UNFCCC. More categories of funding on the link below.
Is an archive for grants and resources to fund projects, programs, and /or activities carried out by NGOs including work on the environment especially climate change.
The new Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF), housed in the Energy, Environment and Climate Change Department of the African Development Bank (AfDB) provides grants of US$ 250,000 or more for climate finance readiness activities in African countries.
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University- Uganda. East Africa